The Show
About the Show
Textile Center
Designers Corner
Arts & Crafts
Children’s Corner
Exotic Cuisines
Movie Screening
Bridal & Fashion
Make A Donation
Job Opportunities
Business Workshops/Seminars
Resource Center
African Embassies
Where to stay
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions on our volunteer questionnaire. This is strictly for our own benefit - no information will be given out to anyone else. Required Fields are marked by *.
Contact Information
*Why are you interested in becoming a volunteer?
*Describe other volunteer work you have done in the past five years:
*Do you speak any language(s) other than English?
If yes, which language(s)? :
*Which day(s) and time(s) would you like to work?
*Have you ever been discharged or asked to resign by your employer or a volunteer organization?
If yes, please state date and circumstances:
*Have you ever been convicted of, or are you currently under indictment for a crime with the exception of a traffic offense?
State charge and disposition:
*Are you now or have you ever been the subject of an indicated report of child abuse, neglect or mal-treatment?
If yes, please explain and state date
*Volunteer Opportunities
Questions & Comments
Copyright Flavors of Africa. All rights Reserved. 2005-2009